I have made this recipe for years. It is quick to prepare, easy and SO yummy! There is nothing quite like fresh baked bread, it’s truly one of life’s treasures. This recipe comes from a gem of a site, The Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread. You can find the original source here. If you are making this for the first time, be ready to take on a new tradition. You’ll be looking forward to it every year (or every day)!
Print Recipe
Traditional Wheaten Irish Soda Bread
Traditional whole wheat Irish soda bread will satisfy and nourish every tummy in your family!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
  1. Preheat oven to 425° F. Lightly grease and flour a cake pan or dutch oven.
  2. In a large bowl, sift all dry ingredients together.
  3. Add the buttermilk to form a sticky dough.
  4. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently knead until just combined. Be careful not to knead too much.
  5. Shape into a round flat shape and place into the prepared pan. Using a sharp knife, cut a cross into the top of the dough.
  6. Cover the pan with its lid or another pan and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the cover and bake an additional 15 minutes.
  7. Remove the bread from the oven and tap the bottom of the loaf. It will have a hollow sound when it's done. Allow bread to cool and enjoy with butter!
  8. Cover the bread with a slightly damp tea towel to keep it moist.

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